My very first beauty/makeup post was about my new-then coastal scents palette and I did a green, yellow and black EOTD. Looking at it now, I see that the blending sucks haha. So, in honor of my blogs first birthday, im re doing the same look to see how much I have improved in the last year LOL.
If you want to check my humble beginnings, you may do so by following this link: MAUI'S FIRST POST.
This was the look I did about a year ago. Its funny looking at it now, knowing where I went wrong and what I didnt get to do. And pretty amazing how much i've learned about makeup through school, practice, research, and everyone from the blogging community!
In honor of my blogs first birthday, I will redo the same look an see if I do a better job at it hahaha! =) Happy Birthday to me!! Will post the updated green/yellow EOTD next. Also I will be coming up with something exciting soon, so please check back =) Have a great week!

happy birthday gurl!
Thank you! wee! how time flies, doesnt seem like ive been doing this for a year hehe :)
LOL I thought you forgot your own bday! Happy birthday to your blog and cheers to more blogging years!
happy blog birthday!!!! more post to come!!
happy birthday <3
Happy birthday to your blog! :)
happy blogiversary :P
i dont know what youre talking about with the blending though... i <3 this yellow/green look!! buut i guess you have more of an eye for these things now cuz of m/u school.
i just started really getting into make up mid last year... can't wait til i get better at this blending business!
happy birthday! happy anniversary!
happy blog birthday!!! It must be nice to look back on how much you've improved, I've only had my blog since october so I have yet to celebrate haha. Your makeup portfolios are amazing! I love this green look, it looks blended well! I think if you blended it any more it would take away from the individual bold colors.. but your the pro so I trust your insight more than my mine :)
Happy bloggiversary Maui! ♥♥
Happy blog anniversary sweetie! :)
awesome!!! Happy blog anniversary!! I would love to see another version of this look ^_^ although its pretty as it is.
Wow, happy blog anniversary girl. I love this EOTD of yours, the blending is flawless, color combination is pretty. You look lovely ^_^
Tnx for visitin' me BTW, love always an interesting topic ;)
HAPPYY BLOGSARYYY!! am i late? anw I envy you so good at putting make upS XDXD Idk how kase tlga.. lagi makalat akin. HAHHA
Happy blogging birthday! Dear, your first EOTD isn't so bad! But I'll sure watch out for the "improved" version. More power!
Happy birthday to Makeup, Rants, Musings and More. :P
happy blogaversary :p
Happy Birthday ;)
Lovely blog!
your really pretty, truly!
Following-hope you'll follow back, if you like!
Cheers, Jesa
Happy bloganniversary! ;)
Thank you so much lovelies!! <3 <3 <3
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