The 2010 Election is fast approaching and I cant help feeling a bit frustrated. Frustrated and hopeful at the same time. I am frustrated because I cant get anyone to tell me why voting for Noynoy is logical (if you have an answer to that, please enlighten me) and yet he is leading the Survey. And hopeful because I have found a candidate who I think has the potential to do what is needed to revive our country...

Why am I pro GORDON- BAYANI?
I am voting for Gordon and Bayani because I want leaders who have results to show for. They both have done outstanding jobs in improving Subic and Marikina and I can just imagine what they can do to improve our country. They are both no nonsense politicians who are not afraid of losing votes because they actually do what needs to be done and says what needs to be said. IMO, what Sen. Gordon said is true "you dont need a (president) na mabait, you need a leader..a leader with integrity". I dont want to base my votes on who looks mabait or isnt corrupt, because they all claim to be that. How would I know if they actually are, so I looked at their platforms and records and true enough, Gordon-Bayani is the only vote I can easily defend.
Kung walang Corrupt, walang Mahirap.
A very popular slogan from one of the most popular candidate. It's always easy to get a few more votes by promising to end poverty here in the Philippines. We filipinos are eternal optimists, we buy into these french laced words and hope for the best. A good thing, but also a bad thing. We want MAGIC, we want everything to be fixed immediately, we complain about our current situation but dont actually do anything about it because we think that it wouldnt matter.
I do however, think that its the other way around. That corruption feeds off poverty. People are tempted to take bribes and what not because of how hard life is. If we had better standards of living, putting an end to corruption will be easier. Now how we do that? I think its important to improve the quality of education in our country, that would be a start. How can you secure a well paying job if youre not educated and you cant go wrong investing and securing good education for your children, but sadly that isnt an option that many Filipinos have. One of the things that I like about Sen. Gordon is his emphasis on improving the quality of education.
Kung walang Corrupt, walang Mahirap.
A very popular slogan from one of the most popular candidate. It's always easy to get a few more votes by promising to end poverty here in the Philippines. We filipinos are eternal optimists, we buy into these french laced words and hope for the best. A good thing, but also a bad thing. We want MAGIC, we want everything to be fixed immediately, we complain about our current situation but dont actually do anything about it because we think that it wouldnt matter.
I do however, think that its the other way around. That corruption feeds off poverty. People are tempted to take bribes and what not because of how hard life is. If we had better standards of living, putting an end to corruption will be easier. Now how we do that? I think its important to improve the quality of education in our country, that would be a start. How can you secure a well paying job if youre not educated and you cant go wrong investing and securing good education for your children, but sadly that isnt an option that many Filipinos have. One of the things that I like about Sen. Gordon is his emphasis on improving the quality of education.
On that darn Survey
What frustrates me is that survey. Yes, it tells us whos in the lead. But other than that, what purpose does it serve us? What frustrates me more are people who base their votes on winnability. They say that its better to choose the "lesser evil" candidate from the top 2 and that voting for candidates that arent doing so well in the survey is a waste. Why would it be a waste? I think that as long as you vote for the "right" candidate, then it wouldnt be a waste. Win or lose, youve done your part instead of being just another mindless zombie.
I do hope, that this coming election people use their heads. You cant take it out of being a Filipino and our personalities to be sympathetic and emotional. But we cant just follow our emotions when choosing for candidates to lead our country. We need someone who has the capability to create laws and the will to enforce them. These politicians have had years of experience, they've all had their chance to make a difference. That is why, I think that it is important to look at what they have done in the past instead of what they promise to achieve.
Please take the time to watch these =)
Quotable Quotes I love from Sen. Gordon
- DEATH PENALTY: My father was assassinated. I am for the death penalty but I asked for its abolishment because we do not have the capability (to investigate)
- No I won’t abolish E-VAT. Even if I lose your vote, I will tell you the truth. I want people to discern.
- I think everybody is entitled to a quality education. Are you ready to pay P.50 for text para makapag-aral ang anak ng driver niyo (so he can also have a bright future)?
- I am not arrogant. I am only assertive. I am frank, candid, straight forward. I get the job done.
- What this country needs is not a change in men, but a change in men. Do what you are supposed to do. We must do it together. The Filipino must be caring, compassion, competent, competitive, united, tolerant.
- You see when people vote, they choose the nice guy. The guy they feel they can talk to. They don’t vote for the tough guy who’ll get the job done.
- You shouldn’t (just) believe in TV ads. You should research.
- Surveys are paid for by people. You can have your own surveys. But don’t try to condition my mind. Its not a horse race. Singapore was biting the dust behind us. Now we’re biting the dust behind them.
- I’d rather fix the world than rule the world.
“Take out the names, take out the money of all the candidates and just look at the persons, their platforms, their track …record, their record of integrity and competence and people will know who to vote for… Leadership is not a title, it is not a position. It is action.”
-Dick Gordon
- Read more: HERE
Again, these are my personal thoughts and opinion. I was not asked nor was I paid to write this post. Besides, who am I to get paid to write an opinion about a candidate haha Im not that influential. Also I hope this post does not offend anyone, were all entitled to our own opinion. If you think your candidate can do better than mine, go ahead and write a blog post too. But, if youre pro Gordon and Bayani as well, please repost this or write your own post.
Its not too late! I hope this post can sway a few people to think more on why they are really voting for their candidates or better yet, why they should vote for Gordon and Bayani! hehe
I'm also for Gordon-Bayani. They are really excellent leaders who know what to do and have proven that in the past. If all Filipino voters will be wise enough, there wont be any chances for Villar or Aquino to ever win this crucial election.
Yay! Glad to hear that Markus. I just hope that every Filipino would think about why theyre actually voting for someone. Some people confuse politics with soap operas. We need a President who can lead, I dont think good intentions are enough. It takes more than that especially with us Filipinos who need to learn to be more disciplined =)
Hi Maui, quoted your post on Thanks! :) God Bless!
Go Team Transformers!
Thank you. Go transformers!! I really hope they do win, we need them
Always been a Gordon supporter.
Ryan and I were actually discussing the whole adding a .50 centavo per text issue. I told him, "If I were still in the Philippines I wouldn't mind -- for I do believe that an educated Filipino child will prosper and make a better Philippines."
Ryan replied, "Oo, pero not all people will agree with that because dagdag gastos yan."
My reply to this is, first of all -- if you will complain that prices are getting high and you cannot afford to text, you shouldn't even have a cellphone. It's not necessarily needed to survive in your life -- right? If you really wanted to save, you could've gotten a Nokia 5110 instead of all those smart phones. Because, if you can afford a smart phone -- like an iphone or something, you can definitely afford another extra .50 centavo per text.
In life, every purchase you make, whether it's a bargain or something you worked hard to save for, you're sharing your prosperity to the world.
everybody is entitled to have their little slice of heaven, and at the same time, a little bit of sacrifice. There is no use for a government if we don't have self-discipline.
Eh kaysa kumain ka everyday sa golden spoon, or have your favorite frapp sa starbucks -- what if once a week mo na lang siya gawin, tapos dahil dun, you already helped a child to go to school with better teachers because they have better salaries and better materials for those children to learn effectively?
My two cents. Sorry, super haba.
haha its okay =) glad to hear you two support Gordon
Im not too usre about the P.50 tax per text issue but i think that the comm companies will be taxed and wont be allowed to pass this on to the consumers. Meaning you still pay 1 peso/text. But hey, im all for it kahit additional 1 peso pa.
Intelligent people for Gordon! woot!
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